Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd │ 47 Worker, manager, Engineer vacancies.

Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd │ Applications are invited from candidates for 47 Plant Worker, Depot Worker, Unskilled worker, Finance manager, Marketing Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Civil engineer vacancies. Interested candidates may send their application through our website on or before 26.01.2021, 05.00 pm. One application can be considered only for one post.
Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd │ 47 Worker, manager, Engineer vacancies.

Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details, and How to Apply are given below…

Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd vacancy details 

Plant Worker
  • Openings: 17
  • Qualification
1. SSLC, preference will be given to those who have passed ITI
2. Height  162 cm (Min)
3. Weight- 48 kg (Min)
4. Priority will be given to the children of traditional Reed bamboo workers and Mat weavers.
5. 10 Years Age relaxation benefits will be given only for the candidates who belong to Depot workers in Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd.

Depot Worker
  • Openings: 15
  • Qualification
1.SSLC, preference will be given to those who have passed ITI
2. Height: 162 cm (Min)
3. Weight- 48 kg (Min)
4. Priority will be given to the children of traditional Reed bamboo workers and Mat weavers

Unskilled worker
  • Openings: 10
  • Qualification
1. SSLC, preference will be given to those who have passed ITI
2. Height =162 cm (Min)
3. Weight- 48 kg (Min)

Finance manager
  • Openings:1
  • Qualification: CA or ICWA
Marketing manager
  • Opening: 1
  • Qualification: MBA from a recognized university accrued through a full-time course with specialization in marketing.
Mechanical Engineer
  • Openings: 2
  • Qualification: B-Tech in Mechanical engineering with 1St class from a recognized university.
Civil engineer
  • Openings: 1
  • Qualification: B-Tech in Civil engineering with 1St class from a recognized university.

Age limit:

Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd │ 47 Worker, manager, Engineer vacancies.

Pay Scale 

Kerala State Bamboo Corporation Ltd │ 47 Worker, manager, Engineer vacancies.

Mode of Selection: 

  • Test / Interview

How to Apply

The Candidates who are interested and eligible for this vacancy can apply online. They need to apply through the official website of the organization and no offline application can be considered.

Dates to Consider:

  • Last date of Submission of application:26 January 2021, 5.00 PM
Important Links
Apply Online: Click Here

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